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All you need is love


All you need is love.

And after this decade, that'll be all you have.

The Fourth turning, John Titor's predictions and talk at the water-cooler hints, that we are about to enter a hot war with Russia. Barring divine intervention, it seems to be question of when, not if.

On the other hand, as the world is going to hell in a handbasket, the timing is an academic question, if even that. We flew past the Point of no Return so fast, that nobody noticed. Democracy is smashed beyond recognition, you can't vote your way out of this no matter where you live. 

There is precious little to do for us IS-BE's, but sit back, make some popcorn (not that microwave shit), pour some real butter over it (heated in a pan over a stove), gather your friends over, and watch the world burn. Nobody is going to the office next month anyway, so make a holiday out of it, like we used to!  

But as my theory of time itself is rather unconventional, I'll gladly waste some cycles on letting my engine idle and make some observations/comments.

Our human brain tries to fool us in many ways to cope with stress. One favorite ruse is to just pretend we don't see the bad stuff. And/or belittle horrible situations. Assure us, that 'tis not so bad, I needed the exercise, as the repo-man tows your car away. This is just temporary, we'll be back to normal next week! The past three years were just a fluke!

Same with global events. We are deeper than we care to admit. I'm always surprised by our short attention span and memory. When Trump started to combine trade policy with foreign policy, we were all bewildered. You should never do that! To poor brown people, sure, that's all they understand, but not to civilized nations like us! Now that's the first button to push. Even though the  Trump years taught us, that tariffs and trade embargoes cut both ways. And when done by idiots, they only hurt us.

And talking about Trump, the dude was consistent to a fault. Always lie. Especially when it comes to money. What makes people think that he told the truth about the nation's purse, he treated it as his piggy bank all the time! If you think that US GDP is anywhere near the amount the government says, you are in for a rude awakening, don't you know.


I don't have to be Hari Seldon to see that the freefall is weeks, not years away.

But there is no need to panic. Be the Rufus. Contribute to the community. Bring positivity, learn practical skills and then teach them to others. Read, but not "News", they are not worth your time, never were. Spend time with your loved ones, listen to them, get to know them finally. Tell them that you love and cherish them. Sleep as much as possible.

And remember: There's nothing to fear but fear itself. And clowns. That's it, I think. Clowns, sheesh…


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