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 Actions of the Unseen hand

This is a brief history of how I happened to stumble on to my true  reality. Words "happen" and "stumble" are used only to ease in the reader. The whole sequence of events, people, nations and activities of the "unseen hand" are nothing like happenstances; with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, the progression was as ballistic as Greek Drama, or Puccini's opera. 

And the fat lady has not yet sung.

In the interest of brevity, I will summarize the salient, indisputable facts first, and then we can together see if our hypothesis (that chance had no part in this narrative) holds water.

  • I was infected with an unknown nerve toxin (Suspected Leptospirosa, not verified even in UN Labs) while in Seoul for high-level negotiations with Samsung. 

  • This was to be a critical two days, during which my goal was to get our products in as many Samsung-platforms for as many years as possible. Our primary weapon was my ability to anticipate and explain various potential timelines and how events in those can be capitalized upon using our deep partnership.

  • At the time I was responsible for 3-5 year strategic planning in a major US semiconductor company. Not too hard to quess, starts with a Q...

  • As such, I had security clearance and was privy to information that few civilians had. And frankly, I was disgusted at most of what I knew myself.

  • I was trying to extricate myself from the company (in 2015, it was highly likely that SC field was heading to serious upheaval. At that time the board didn't agree with my assessment. I wanted out), but my contract let very little leeway for either party.

  • Toxin manifested as Encephalitis, which destroyed parts of the central nervous system, mainly brain cells and white matter from temporal and occipital regions.

  • I was in ICU for several weeks... During that time I flatlined 3 times.

  • Eventually I was discharged, I was left with severe retro/anterograde amnesia, lost control of my right hand, ability to walk and talk. After intensive physical therapy, I rebounded a lot, but memory remained lost and I was in severe chronic pain.

And there the situation more or less remained for the next 4 years. I watched the steep decline of the American empire, moved to northern Scandinavia, which I deemed to be a reasonably safe bet. I observed the 'Vape-disease' with disbelief mixed with alarm for US audacity and stupidity. And moved a bit further afield with my wife. To a small ranch with natural wells, expansive forests for hunting, lake for fishing, and waited. 

And soon enough, SARS-COV2. 

I felt empathy and horror as the inevitable followed. Then rage as the US started their internal and external culling of the herd. I was amazed at the level of control the US propaganda machinery had attained, when at the same time they fumbled all other balls. With so many obvious unforced critical errors, I have to admit I started to doubt my own sanity. 

But luckily I got distracted with a totally different matter. First I got interested in what the media had dubbed the 'Mandela-effect'. 

I have always been amused with the power of suggestion and biases in human perception. It used to be fun to blow people's minds with facts how obvious and stupid western historical narrative is. 

Like Cecil Rhodes' funded and published plan to snuff out Germany before they grow to threaten the Anglo-American Hegemony. (The real reason behind World Wars) 

How Constantine manufactured the Roman Catholic church for population contro, while the elite remained strictly Mithraic, and Constantine himself erected statues of himself as Sungod Apollo/Helios in Constantinople. The writing off of Moorish history and culture, Mansa Musa, Raymond Rife and so forth.

But then I started to see actual tampering in timelines, and intentional rewriting of history from previously reputable sources like BBC and DW. When changes extended to planetary and moon orbital anomalies I REALLY started to pay attention. 

I dug out my old bag of tricks and rekindled some old friendships. I had already started to get myself back to shape. Physically and more importantly spiritually. I had gone totally sober about 3 years ago, now I upped meditation from twice weekly to twice daily, opened the Monroe-institute recordings again, honed OBE and lucid dreaming. Being retired has its benefits, I was able to put serious hours into 'training'.

I think I was gathering information from some OOPARTs when I found I read it with interest, there was much that I intuited to be true. When I got to the part about MM's 'retirement', things started to click. And not in a good way.

I started to think about the trip to Seoul five years ago. I was usually handling the delicate times of initial customer engagement, not the final ones. And what about the dreams, where I was taken underground in a gurney? The hospital-lights, electric buzzing sound that went on so long, my teeth rattling from the current? 

I put it all away as fever-dreams at the time. Perhaps I was linking the visit to Samsung R&D facility to the underground malls in Seoul? Still didn't explain the english speaking military hovering about all the time.

And the trip back home? What was the reason to go from Seoul to San Diego, then London before going home? I was, afterall, very sick and travelling alone. 

Was the whole 'mystery infection' a retirement process? Amnesia seems awfully convenient. As does the calls about how much I remembered to gauge my ability to return to a job I was trying to get out of? And they certainly knew it, because just before the trip I went to see the head of HR to find out a way out!

Years after that fateful trip I found out that my closest assistant and confidant in Q vanished in a ski-trip in Whistler. That happened a week after I got sick. And I had no exit-interview! That was mandatory, especially to those of us in the upper management echelon.

Fast forward to early September 2021.

First I started to bleed profusely. Bleeding was anal, so I had gastroscopy and colonoscopy. A small lesion in my lower abdominal bowel was found, but nothing major. The lesion was cauterised, a battery of tests were done. The results? There was absolutely nothing wrong with me, quite the opposite actually. My body seemed to have grown 20-30 years younger than my calendar age. And significantly better than the tests taken only a few months ago!

I started to notice other changes as well:

  • Vision improved from 13/18 with astigmatism to 20/20

  • Strange memories started to (re)surface

    • I was getting electric shocks, but not the ones used for depression. I was conscious, I could feel my teeth rattling, I heard loud  buzzing that lasted for a long time

    • I Spoke Lakota in lucid dreams “Come here, I can help you!” (wife recorded it)

    • I spoke Japanese in lucid dreams “I am not dead, I am not dead!” ( wife recorded)

    • Standing in a field and hearing the sounds of "Sky-trumpets"

    • Rituals and ceremonies

  • Olfactory stimuli seem to trigger new vivid memories I should not have (historical, tribal settings)

  • New abilities emerging

    • High level wood carving without any prior experience in any similar artform. Pieces emerge fully formed, no mistakes nor need for re-working

    • Remote viewing

    • Conceptual/instinctual understanding of complex math

    • Clarity about the ‘real’ structure of the universe, from Soul to Quantum level

    • Ability to write long treatises about significant historical periods, without source material

    • Clarity about earth's/humanity's historic evolution, without learned biases

SOURCES: Qualcomm/DoD cooperation


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